In Sakha (Yakutia) Republic in caves on Kandal's river look for traces of the most ancient person

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Archeologists will try to find stone instruments of labor, and also the remains of pleystotsenovy animals. In the north Sakha (Yakutia) Republic in ulus Lensky in caves on Kandal's river scientists look for traces of the most ancient people living during an era of a pleistocene and at the time of ice age, the press service of the Arctic Research Center (ARC) of Academy of Sciences of Sakha (Yakutia) Republic writes. "If we find even insignificant otshchep, it already will be a reason for further, more long researches", - the head explained Museums to the Arctic archeology of a name of S. A. Fedoseyeva of ANITS Kiryanov Nicholas. In spite of the fact that this area...