Chapter Panino district Nicholas Shcheglov will leave the post

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On June 23 the Governor Alexander Gusev met the head of the Paninsky municipal area Nicholas Shcheglov. They discussed social and economic development the area. Nicholas Shcheglov noted active development Panino district over the last 5 years. Special attention paid qualitative to water supply. In rp Panino is conducted large-scale modernization of system of water supply within the federal project "Clear water". Besides, in Panino constructed sports stadium, the ski roller route, repair schools, construction out-patient clinics is conducted. Will separately direct about 10 million rubles on repair territories near schools...
Alexander Gusev
Last position: Governor (Government of the Voronezh region)
Nicholas Shcheglov
Last position: Head (Administration of the municipal district Paninsk of the Voronezh region)