In Chelyabinsk passed a patriotic seminar for school students from labor groups

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On June 21 in the capital of South Ural for school students from the labor groups created by Administration of Chelyabinsk, held a patriotic seminar. Participants were told about special operation, history and younger generation education, organizers report. The patriotic seminar for the Chelyabinsk school students was organized by management public relations of Government of Chelyabinsk region. The meeting took place in the teenage center "My Territory". In action the first deputy head of the Volnovakhsky area Donetsk People's Republic, the senior of group Chelyabinsk Region took part in the sponsored...
Dimitri Gatov
Last position: Head (Administration of the urban settlement Yemanzhelinsk)
Sergey Kiriyenko
Last position: First deputy Rukovoditelya (Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation)