The unexpected gift was received by the known Uzbek boxer Khasanboy Marfzhon ugli Dusmatov

@Sputnik Uzbekistan
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A gift the boxer received from administration Povince of Andijan. Tashkent, 23 Jun — Sputnik. Khasanboy Marfzhon ugli Dusmatov became the owner of the three-room apartment received from hokimiyata Povince of Andijan, Boxing Federation Uzbekistan reports. It is a gift to the athlete for a victory in Boxing World Cup. The warrant on the new apartment Abdurakhmanov Shukhrat handed over to the boxer hoky Povince of Andijan. Let's remind, uzbekistanets Khasanboy Marfzhon ugli Dusmatov became the world champion in boxing in weight category to 51 kg. In spectacular final fight uzbekistanets overcame the French boxer Bilal Bennama. Boxing World Cup took place in...