"All or nothing": Paulina Maksimova in an effective dress told about crisis in the relations. Top of hot photos of the actress for the magazine of Muzhskoy zhurnal Maxim

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The 33-year-old actress Paulina Maksimova actively develops the career, acting in a set of movies. Couple of days ago the actress appeared on the prime minister of the new project with the participation "Maldives will wait". For issue Paulina Maksimova picked up quite interesting and unusual image. On a red path the star of the premier movie flaunted in a volume pink dress in a floor with cut from a hip and sandals on hairpin. It should be noted that on action the actress appeared in proud loneliness, however for several pictures posed with the colleague on a set Roman Kurnitsyn. Journalists...
Paulina Maksimova
Last position: Actress
Koreshkov Yegor