Prosecutor's office took out caution about hearings of sales schools in Sviyazhsk

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Prosecutor's office Vakhitovo district of City Kazan Republic of Tatarstan the capitals declared caution to the chairman of the organization "REGIONAL NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION "WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADE COMPLEX RT"" to Mikhail Shcheglov on prevention of violation of the rights and interests of citizens (article 6 Federal law of the Russian Federation of 25 July 2002 No. 114-FZ "On Counteraction of Extremist Activities"), reports information agency "Tatar-inform". Caution is taken out after the publication on Information portal Kazan "116 .ru" with the comment Mikhail Shcheglov about sale Sviyazhsky schools to the Turkish investors. When checking fact the premises of schools given about transfer the island Sviyazhsk did not find confirmation...