A star of "The Ural pelmeni" called modern humour "an infernal trash"

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The actor of the comic project "Ural Pelmeni" Andrey Borisovich Rozhkov sharply condemned modern comedians for abundance of a mat in jokes, and also called them show by "an infernal trash". In video published in the Telegram Messenger (resurs narushaet zakon RF) - the channel, it also urged Russians to get rid of obscene lexicon in the speech. Andrey Borisovich Rozhkov shared that recently, flying in the plane, looked at some popular comic programs. "Well same the simply infernal you rub any, children. Mat so many that even at me... Me it is direct still shakes a little bit" — he told, thus without having provided the name of these shows. According to a star "Ural...
Mikhail Tserishenko
Main activity:Cultural worker
Andrey Borisovich Rozhkov
Chesnokova Catherina