Cisco Systems, Inc. closed Russian "daughter". It destroyed equipment on billion rubles not to sell it to Russians

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To Russian Federation one of two "daughters" of Cisco Systems, Inc. – LLC "Cisco Systems" is closed. She dismissed almost all the employees, yielded billion rubles of a loss, but thus there was a little more successful, than other affiliated structure of the American vendor – "Sisko solyushens". Cisco Systems, Inc. runs again from Russian Federation the American Cisco Systems, Inc. decided to liquidate the dochernyuyurossiysky company LLC "Cisco Systems", writes information agency "ITAR-TASS" with reference to a portal of "Fedresurs". The decision on destruction of companies was accepted at extraordinary meeting of her owners on June 19, 2023. Until recently yCisco was two Russian...
Jonathan Sparrou
Last position: Vice-president of the company (Cisco)
Goryushina Natalia
Main activity:Communication and IT
LLC "Cisco Systems"