In Kamchatka Territory implementation of the Kamchatka Fish project] proceed

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Since the beginning of the current year inhabitants Kamchatka Territory got 120 t of fish within the Kamchatka Fish project. As reported in Ministry Fish economy Kamchatka territory, this year it is planned to realize about 400 t of water bioresources for reasonable prices. Fish is realized in 35 outlets in the territory Kamchatka Territory. The following fishing enterprises participate in the project: JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OKEANRYBFLOT", Fishing collective farm named after V. I. Lenina, JSC Artel Narody Severa, LLC "PK FISH CANNING FACTORY", LLC "Kristall", LLC "Ustkamchatryba", LLC "Kamchattralflot", LLC "Pymta", open company...
Vladimir Solodov
Last position: Governor of Kamchatka Krai (Governor of the Kamchatka Territory)
Andrey Zdetovetsky
Last position: Minister (Ministry of the Rybnoye city of economy of the Kamchatka Territory)
Main activity:Agriculture, hunting, animal industry
LLC "Kamchattralflot"
Main activity:Fishing and fish breeding
Main activity:Fishing and fish breeding