In TO FGBN "ALL-UNION INSTITUTE FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH KONEVODSTVA" interregional competitions in jumping on Evpatiya Kolovrat's Cup] came to the en

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Horse-racing clubs took part in competitions from Ryazan Region, Moscow Region, Ivanovo Region. "On purity and playfulness" konnik competed on five routes with heights of 40, 60, 80, 100 and 120 centimeters. At the height up to 40 cm the victory was won by Sizintseva Xenia on STANIChNIKE (ChK "Fates of Hors", Ozyory Moscow Region). At the height up to 60 cm the overall ranking was won by Vlasova Sofya on ELKORALE (KSK "Mariart", Ryazan Region). In offset of children by the first there was Aniskina Irina on KARP (Moscow Region). At the height up to 80 cm in the overall ranking took priority Julia Levakova on HENGARE (KSK "Rosinant"...
Julia Levakova
Last position: Actress (Saint Petersburg city State budget cultural institution "Sankt-Peterburgsky akademichesky theater named after Lensoveta")
Sizintseva Xenia
Vlasova Sofya
Aniskina Irina
Zubacheva Anna