Anti-Utopia "Pathetic": Flights waking or sleeping

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The anti-Utopia "Pathetic" is hardly known to general theatrical public – statements of this play to Russian Federation yet were not. The strange story how the marvelous new world was split into successful owners of life ("sorters") and the withdrawn losers ("pathetic") is turned by the production director Vyacheslav Dolgachev into the stylish, beautiful, modern theatrical text. And infinite dialogues which when reading seem absurd, performed by young actors got clear and frighteningly actual sense. In a plot lines of several married couples intertwine. They live in society, where people...
Vyacheslav Dolgachev
Last position: Art director (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Novy drama theater")
Yefremova Margaret
Yefremov Yvan
Ruby Eugenie
Andreev Igor