In Miloslavskom congratulated medical workers

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On June 16 in District culture center Miloslavskoye's working settlement passed a concert in honor of Day of the medical worker which celebrate on June 18. Guests with their professional holiday on the stage stepped to congratulate the head of municipal educations the Miloslavsky municipal area Fatin Dimitri, the acting the head of administration Roman Konstantinovich Barkov, the head of the Lipyagovsky rural settlement Buzdin Alexander, the chief physician Miloslavskoy of regional hospitals Rudenko Vladimir, […] the Message In Miloslavskom congratulated medical workers appeared at first on PUBLISHING HOUSE "the PRESS...
Roman Konstantinovich Barkov
Last position: Acting as head (Administration of the municipal entity Miloslavskoye municipal district of the Ryazan region)
Fatin Dimitri
Buzdin Alexander
Rudenko Vladimir
Kulikova Nadezhda
District culture center