Chapter Arkhangelsk Dmitry Aleksandrovich Morev visited the Talazhsky aviagorodok

@GTRK "Pomor'e"
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Problems same, as well as in all city, but it is much more difficult to solve them. Talazhsky aviagorodok - part Oktyabrsky okrug Arkhangelsk. Today not within a business trip on the city, and specially only there arrived the head of the capital of Pomorze. Morning for children from summer camp at the 12th school Arkhangelsk began with cheerful starts. As leisure of little inhabitants of Talazhsky an aviagorodka is organized, arrived to check the town governor Dmitry Aleksandrovich Morev. In camp children study ecology, rules of traffic, Robotics and many other things. There are all conditions for preparation of a good dinner. In buffet...