Accreditation for mass media on the 50th All-Russian festival of an author's song of Valery Grushin

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We declare the beginning of accreditations for journalists on the 50th Grushinsky Festival. It will pass in traditional terms from June 29 to July 2 on a festival glade on Mastryukovsky lakes to Samara Region. For accreditations it is necessary to fill a form on July 1, 2022 till 15:00. Accreditation on a festival is carried out on the basis of placement in mass media, including the Internet editions, announcing materials. Together with the demand for accreditation it is necessary to send the reference to a screen announcement/imposition / the radio reference / TV-syuzhet or the publication to internet mass-media as existence confirmation...
Roman Nikolaevich Lankin
Last position: Musician, singer
Vadim Yegorov
Last position: Singer, teacher, poet, guitarist
Timur Sultanovich Shaov
Main activity:Show business personality
Nikita Vysotsky
Last position: Professor of department of direction and skill of the actor (MOSCOW CITY GOSUDARSTVENNY HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION KULTURY)