Polytechnic University in the first day of St. Petersburg International Economic Forum: accession to IOT-consortium of higher education institutions and business breakfast "Medicine of the XXI century"

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On June 13 XXVI St. Petersburg International Economic Forum opened. The traditional business breakfast at the rector Peter the Great's FGAOU IN SPBPA, SPBPU, FGAOU VO "SPBPU", SAINT PETERSBURG POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY PETRA VELIKOGO the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Andrey Ivanovich Rudskoy became one of events of the first day of a forum. This year the medicine of the XXI century became a subject of action ". Choice of the correct strategy of developments". At the beginning of a meeting guests congratulated the rector FGAOU IN SPBPA, SPBPU, FGAOU VO "SPBPU", SAINT PETERSBURG POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY PETRA VELIKOGO on appointment to the post of the chairman of the St. Petersburg office of RAN. According to the resolution of Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences of June 13, 2023, according to procedure, Andrey Ivanovich Rudskoy...
Vladimir Gutenev
Main activity:Politician
Maxime Aleksandrovich Protasov
Last position: Head (ROSKACHESTVO)
Olga Tkachev
Last position: Chief non-staff specialist geriatrician (Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation)
Andrey Ivanovich Rudskoy
Last position: Rector, professor of "Technology and Research of Materials" Chair (FGAOU VO SPBPU, SPBPU, FGAOU VO "SPBPU", SAINT PETERSBURG CITY POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY PETER GREAT)