Internet mass-media on June 13. "Chempionat.Com". As there passes League of the nations without Russian Federation: legionaries of ChR top clubs play noticeable roles

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League of the nations – commercial tournament which most often consider as preparatory: to play the spare national teams before important matches, gradually connecting frame. After all the main events ahead – the autumn championship Europe and qualification of the Olympic Games in Paris at the end of September. Format former: at a preliminary stage of 16 national teams within three game weeks with an interval will play on 12 matches in the different countries. The strongest will reach "The final of eight" which will pass from July 19 to July 23 in Polish Gdansk. The eight will break into couples of chetvertfinalist: the team which has won first place, will play with...
John Spirou
Last position: Volleyball head coach of the Men's national team (CHOUVO "MUNICIPAL INSTITUTION NAMED AFTER S. YU. VITTE")
Tuomas Sammelvuo
Lukasz Kachmarek
Last position: The professional athlete on volleyball (Volleyball club "Zaksa")
Srechko Lisinats
Last position: The professional athlete on volleyball (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "FC "ZENIT")