A star of "Game of thrones" Emilia Izabel Yufimiya Rose Clark appeared on public in a dress with open shoulders

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The actress Emilia Izabel Yufimiya Rose Clark, known for a role Deyeneris Targariyen in "Game of thrones", visited a premiere of series "Confidential Invasion". About it reports tabloid "The Daily Mail". Action took place last Tuesday, June 13, in El Capitan Theatre in Los Angeles. The new project of the film Universe of Marvel the director Ali Selim, and also performers of leading roles — Samuel Leroy Jackson, Paul Benjamin Mendelson, Emilia Izabel Yufimiya Rose Clark presented, Smolders Kobi, Sarah Kerolayn Olivia Sinkler, to Kingsley Paul Benjamin Mendelson - Adir, Dermot Malruni and Donald Frank Chidl-mladshy. 36-year-old Emilia Izabel Yufimiya Rose Clark appeared on public in a dress-byustye of length of a mussel with a print in the form of scarlet roses. The actress left on...