Representative Ilya Romanovich Malinin: "Ilya Romanovich Malinin — the same phenomenon, as Michael Geoffrey Jordane, Useyn Sent-Leo Bolt, Michael Fred Phelps II or Rodger Federer"

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The sports agent Zakaryan Ari, representing interests of the American figure skater Ilya Romanovich Malinin, spoke popularity of the athlete. "In general, figure skating in comparison with baseball and other sports loses. But I very strongly trust what exactly Ilya Romanovich Malinin will be that person who will make revolution in world figure skating because I simply admire its strength of mind and abilities. For me Ilya Romanovich Malinin — this same phenomenon, as Michael Geoffrey Jordane, Useyn Sent-Leo Bolt, Michael Fred Phelps II or Rodger Federer. If everything is normal, he can become the athlete of the same level and will lift level...