Kardymon Paulina will show "Insektopediya" in Culture center to "GES-2"

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From June 19 to June 25 in Galleries of the Moscow Culture center "GES-2" will be presented performatory installation of the director Kardymon Paulina to "Insektopediya". Inspired by the book of the anthropologist Hugh Rafflz of the same name, this work will unite exhibition elements and performance. The Novosibirsk director and the artist Kardymon Paulina, the creator of a series of the performances "Koromysli" (the third part, "Childhood", received "the Gold Mask — 2023" in the nomination "Experiment"), in "Insektopediya" tells about the world of insects and investigates the attitude of the person towards Another. Hugh Rafflz, the author of the book "Insektopediya" (published in Russian...
Kardymon Paulina
Yudina Anastasiya
Bocharov Vladimir
Zaytsev Yegor
Culture center