The award "Yasnaya Polyana" declared the short list of the new nomination "The Passed Masterpieces"

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This year the short list included the following books: Paula Fox "Desperate characters" (with the preface Jonathan Earl Franzen), the translator Makarova Eugenia - M.: Livebook, 2022. Kamilleri Andrea "Phone", the translator Solonovich Eugenie - M.: Foreigner, 2006. Kim Sondon "Mandala", the translator Azarina Lydia - M.: Nuclear heating plant, 2023. Chinua Achebe "Everything falls", the translator Doronina Irina - M.: Nuclear heating plant, 2020. Penelope Fitsdzherald "In the high sea", the translator Togoeva Irina - M.: LLC "Publishing house "Eksmo", 2018. Kenzaburo Oe "An echo of heavens", the translator Kobets Vera - M.: Amphora, 2010. "Feature of our new nomination consists that...