Limited liability company "Trans-Missiya": the total turnover of the Taksovichkof and <0> services "Citymobil" increased by 4 times

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During 2022 company worked over increase of operational efficiency and development the existing markets. One of the main events of 2022 for issuers Limited liability company "Trans-Missiya" — originally, the service which was the owner of the order the taxi of the raised level of comfort "Taksovichkof" — became acquisition of assets the second brand of a taxi Limited liability company "Trans-Missiya". Thanks to development two brands in parallel, Limited liability company "Trans-Missiya" market coverage was succeeded to increase considerably, enormously to increase cumulative GMV services and number of the executed orders. The total turnover of the services (GMV) "Taksovichkof" and Limited liability company "Trans-Missiya" increased...
LLC "Siti-Mobil"
Main activity:Communication and IT
LLC "Kruiz"