PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "GAZPROM" reported about renewal of transportations of gas on "Turetsky potok"
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Scheduled maintenance on renewal of supply of gas on "Turetsky potok" which were planned for the period from June 5 to June 12, is complete. As reports PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "GAZPROM", transportation of a natural resource is resumed. Photo: Should reminding that "Turetsky potok" lies through the Black Sea, and its design capacity makes 31,5 billion cubic meters of gas a year. Earlier director general the Turkish oil companies (TPAO) Melikh khan Bilgin reported that the state will continue to buy the Russian gas in spite of the fact that started using the Sakarya field in the Black Sea...
Melikh khan Bilgin
Last position: Chairman of the board, CEO (State unitary enterprise "GlavAPU")
PJSC Gazprom
Main activity:Production and distribution of the electric power, gas and water
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