theater Mayakovsky continues to celebrate the 100 anniversary together with Petersburgers
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In the middle of June tour round within celebration of the 100 anniversary State budget cultural institution Moscow "Moskovsky akademichesky theater im. Vl. Mayakovskogo". On June 16 on a recreation center scene Vyborg "mayakovets" will show the brilliant performance "Fantastic Sum" according to the comedy Ostrovsky A. N., the put Anatoly Fedorovich Shulyev (nowadays – the main director the Moscow Theater named after Yevgeniya Vakhtangova) in honor of anniversary of the national actress of Russian Federation Svetlana Nemolyaeva. Near it on a scene as Cheboksarova Lydia – the granddaughter, the actress Paulina Lazarev. It is not necessary to speak about relevance of the play – money, as well as thirst of beautiful life, always were one of...