Kenyan Kipyegon in 8 days broke two world records in run on 1500 and 5000 meters

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At a stage of Diamond league in Paris Faith Kipyegon from Kenya established a world record, having run 5 kilometers in 14 minutes 5,20 seconds. Kipyegon for 1,42 seconds improved the former achievement established by Ethiopian Letesenbet Gidey on July 10, 2020 to Community of Valencia. The Kenyan breaks world records the second week-end in a row – on June 2 at the previous stage of Diamond league in Rome she won running on 1500 m with result 3.49,11, on 0,96 having surpassed time of 8-year prescription of other representative Ethiopia Genzebe Dibaba. 29-year-old Kipyegon is the champion of two last Olympic Games, 2016 in...
Genzebe Dibaba
Last position: The professional athlete on track and field athletics