"While it is unclear, for whom this product"

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Company Apple Inc. presented the first font Augmented reality to Vision Pro. newspaper "Kommersant" asked businessmen, bloggers and representatives of the industry, what do they think of such technologies. Valentine Petukhov, founder and owner video hosting services "YouTube" Wylsacom: — In any sense behind this technology the future. It about what spoke both science fiction writers, and authors of fantastic movies. But it not a mass product that for Apple Inc. is a little strange, it after all the konsyumersky company which does not do pro-and the business solution, and lets out production of a mass segment. While it is unclear, for whom this product. While...
Leonid Aleksandrovich Kaganov
Last position: Science fiction writer, screenwriter, humorist, TV host
Valentine Petukhov
Last position: Video blogger of YouTube channel Wylsacom
Dimitri Puchkov (Goblin)
Last position: Writer, publicist, translator, blogger, developer of computer games
Filatova Catherina
Smith Dimitri
Main activity:Communication and IT
Main activity:Science and education