In Uinsk after acceptance by the prosecutor of response measures debt on salary before medical workers] is extinguishe

@Novosti prokuratury RF
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Prosecutor's office Uinskoe district Perm Krai carried out an inspection according to the address of medical workers of STATE BUDGETARY HEALTH CARE INSTITUTION PC "UINSKAYA CENTRAL REPAIR BASE" about violation x the labor law. It is established that payments are not in full listed to employees of healthcare institution for rendering paid medical services, combination of positions, and also for work in days off and holidays. Following the results of check by the prosecutor to the chief physician of hospitals representation which is satisfied is brought, violations of the law are eliminated, payments relying by it for the sum more than 100 thousand rubles are listed to doctors. Prosecutor's office Uinskoe district Perm Krai Perm...