Beneficiaries loans

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The corporate conflicts in the self-regulating organizations as a rule highlight the processes hidden behind official protocols of meetings of bodies of managements by SRO. The speech will go again about the Krasnodar Builders Union where money became the conflict reason in due time. Let's remind, the executive director of SRO Khot Gissa accused the chairman of the board of the Krasnodar Builders Union Aslan Nekhay and the member of council Khot Gissa Nekhay that 44 million rubles which have been given out to the organizations headed by them in the form of concessional loans, were returned into the special account of the self-regulating organization only under the threat...
Khot Gissa
Dzhamirze Aramby
Danilchenko Vladimir
Omelchenko Vladimir
Sazykina Valeria
LLC "Mechanization department 4"
LLC "UM-4"
Independent noncommercial organization "Issledovatel"
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