Отработку протокольных поручений обсудили на совещании главы Одинцовского округа

Из 38 поручений 20 касаются темы дорог и строительства, 10 —...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Одинцовский городской округ Московской области» , more details in our Terms of Service
Maria Bazhanova
Last position: Deputy Head (Administration of the municipal district Odintsovsk of the Moscow region)
Mikhail Alekseevich Paysov
Last position: First Deputy Head (Administration of the municipal district Odintsovsk of the Moscow region)
Stanislas Grigoryev
Last position: Deputy Head (Administration of the municipal district Odintsovsk of the Moscow region)
Ivanov Andrey
Non-commercial horticultural association "Yagodka"