The deputy of ZSK Golovchenko Galina organized a holiday for children in Krasnodar

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In International Children's Day the deputy of ZSK Golovchenko Galina organized a holiday for young inhabitants Krasnodar. Action took place in the residential district of a name of the Marshal Zhukov. For little guests representatives of creative collective "Prikubansky" acted, carried out the competitive program and ice cream distribution. The politician told in the social networks that Fund"Pokolenie" which trustee she is, traditionally arranges holidays by June 1. Events hold for children pupils of the inclusive centers. For example, this year a holiday presented to pupils of the centers "Children Rays", "Angels of Kuban"...
Natalia Alsheva
Last position: Deputy, chairman of committee on questions of economy, trade, agriculture, business, investment policy and informatization (Krasnodar City Council)
Golovchenko Galina
Meta (it is forbidden in RF)
Main activity:Communication and IT