Results of a month of physics - 2023 on FMO FMITI

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On physical and mathematical office of FMITI the traditional Month of physics came to the end. About 170 people took part in actions of a month, among which teachers, students of FMITI and other faculties the EIDER, pupils of schools and residents. We present to your attention the main results of last actions. On May 3 there studied the traditional Olympic Games in physics for first-year students. The candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, professor Mikhaylov Sergei Petrovich prepared and held the Olympic Games. Students of the 612th group participated in the Olympic Games. Dinil Shimin who has gathered maximum became the winner...
Mikhaylov Sergei Petrovich
Rupasova Galina
Tupoleva A. N.
Astrov N. A.
Grabin V. G.