Vladimir Putin appropriated 65 general ranks and seven admiral's

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The admiral were entitled the commander-in-chief of the Navy Vladimir Lvovich Kasatonov and the commander of the Black Sea fleet of Victor Nikolaevich Sokolov. The commander of the Air Force Dronov Sergei is raised to the colonel general Vladimir Putin (the Photo: Grigorov Gabriel / information agency "Reuters") President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin appropriated in total 65 general ranks to military, rosgvardeyets, police officers, justice and customs service. Seven more admiral's ranks received the military Navies of Russia. The decree is placed on a portal of legal information. One of the highest general ranks — the colonel general — is appropriated to the commander of military and air forces (zamglavkoma by VKS) to Dronov Sergei...
Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
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Igor Nikolaevich Zubov
Last position: Secretary of state, deputy minister (Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation)
Andrey Loginov
Last position: The secretary of state – the deputy minister (Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation)
Valery Alekseevich Maydanov
Last position: Head of Department of office-work and work with addresses of citizens and organizations (Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation)