The second season of series "Hello, is time for you! " already at LLC "PREMYER"
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On June 1 at LLC "PREMYER" started the second season of the series fallen in love to the audience "Hello, it is time for you! ". "Hello, to you it is time! " is series about otherworldly messengers to the Pasha (Mikhail Aleksandrovich Tarabukin) and Nastya (Lisa Moryak) who in the first season reported to people about fast death, and in the second season will help people to be born on light. Secretly from Pasch's guide with Nastya lead usual human life and even dream to become again mortal to bring children. Pasha Pyotr's competitor (Davide Manukyan) is very dissatisfied with progress of children and tries to prevent to realize them the plans. And people...
Davide Manukyan (DAVA M)
Last position: Blogger
Denise Alekseevich Prytkov
Last position: Stage and film actor
Alyona Khmelnitskaya
Last position: Actress, TV host
Leonid Borisovich Margolin
Last position: Director, screenwriter, actor