In Krasnodar in the territory of Housing cooperative "Aviator" spent a holiday for children

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In the first days off of June in the capital of Kuban in the territory of Housing cooperative "Aviator" on Valery Gassiya Street, 2, spent a children's holiday. Action Krasnodar Vladimir Kopachev and the chairman organized the deputy of Municipal duma councils of the house Housing cooperative "Aviator" Pozdnyakov Roman. Part in a holiday was taken also by the deputy of ZSK Igor Bragarnik. Young guests were addressed by vocal studio "Tutti and Tutti Kids", dancing school "Lyme Dens", sports club "Rosich". For children organized competitions and competitions. Let's note that earlier Igor Bragarnik with colleagues from Municipal duma Krasnodar also carried out territories of the constituency a row...
Vladimir Kopachev
Last position: Deputy, vice-chairman of committee on legality and law and order questions and legal protection of citizens (Krasnodar City Council)
Igor Bragarnik
Last position: CEO (LLC "Globus")
Vladimir Bagmut
Last position: The deputy, the member of the committee concerning legality, a law and order and legal protection of citizens (Krasnodar City Council)
Pozdnyakov Roman
Shaposhnikov Pawel
Meta (it is forbidden in RF)
Main activity:Communication and IT
1 228
"United Russia"
Political ideology:Centrism, liberal conservatism, etatism
Housing cooperative "Aviator"