The military drama Gay Stewart Richi "Translator" is going to head the Russian hire

@Moskovskie novosti
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About what it is the Movie tells about the American officer who goes to Afghanistan to rescue the friend — the translator Ahmed. Characters the Leading role in a picture was played by Dzheykob Benjamin Dzhillenkhol, Gay Stewart Richi became the director and the screenwriter. That speak the Picture received generally positive comments of critics though some noted excessive "hurrah - patriotism" tapes. What to watch Four movies Gay Stewart Richi. About what it is the Military drama "Translator", by estimates of analysts of hire, during the first week-end to Russian Federation collected about 70 million rubles. It is the best result of week among all movies, which...
Gay Stewart Richi
Last position: Film director, screenwriter, film producer
Alexander Ludwig
Last position: Actor
Anthony Starr
Last position: Actor
Dzhonni Li Miller
Last position: Actor
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