The law on an obligation of banks to coordinate about Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia) purchase domestic ON it is accepted by State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

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Soderzhaniye2023: To agree on the law on an obligation of banks about Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia) purchase domestic ON 2022 Bill of the right Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia) is adopted by State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation to coordinate purchase foreign ON for banks is accepted in the first reading the Government approved the right Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia) to coordinate purchase foreign ON for the Government Ban banks on use foreign ON in the Digitalization banks under sanctions: 8 problems which IT services of the Russian banks the Russian banks faced try to refuse Oracle DBMS Bankers told that will be with transition on domestic AFTER the ambassador of leaving of foreign vendors of Interview...
Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
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Anatoly Aksakov
Last position: Chairman (Committee State Duma of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on Financial market)
Ilya Sivtsev
Last position: CEO (LLC "RUSBITEKH-ASTRA")
Maxime Parshin
Last position: Deputy minister of digital development, communication and mass communications (MINTSIFRA OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
Aleksey Voylukov
Last position: Vice-president (Association "Russia")
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