"I NOT FROM a SERIES of LUCKIES". Grabuzov Igor told about shootings in the Hollywood "Tetris", the new District project and the dreams

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Incredibly charismatic villain Trifonov from the Hollywood Tetris project, investigator Cherkasov in popular series "1703", the guy about the cerebral spastic infantile paralysis composing music, in "Dangerous dances", the lieutenant of People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs in the movie "Three Days till Spring" – thanks to these and many other roles of the actor Grabuzov Igor call today one of the most noticeable, talented and promising actors of the industry. On the eve of a premiere of its new project – series "District" – TV Mag decided to get acquainted with Grabuzov Igor closer and learned from it about shootings to Scotland, children's dreams, actor's udachakh and director's ambitions. Grabuzov Igor...
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Last position: Actor