Mysterious group of oligarchs: Who is covered by Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zelensky, the former minister told Ukraine

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President of Ukraine Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zelensky is some kind of cover and an avatar of group of cynical and rigid oligarchs. The former Deputy Prime Minister declared Ukraine, the former minister of educations and sciences Ukraine Dmitry Tabachnik". Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zelensky is some kind of collective avatar of group of very strong, very rigid, cynical businessmen", - he declared in interview of Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". And in this quality Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zelensky completely suits them, the former Deputy Prime Minister added Ukraine (2002-2007), the former minister of educations and sciences Ukraine (2010-2014). He called and the purpose of group which is covered with Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zelensky, is...