Fatal abortion and mentally retarded child: as there was a destiny of a star of the Soviet cinema

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The first serious novel at the actress happened in GITIS to Lobotsky Anatoly. The student's relations lasted four years and came to the end after release from institutes. the actress admitted conversation with Boris Korchevnikov became pregnant, but decided to make abortion. According to the actress, she loves children, but never felt requirements to become mother. When understood that expects a baby, went to hospital without regrets. Fatyushin Alexander became the first husband of the actress. Couple got acquainted at theater, and...
Boris Korchevnikov
Last position: CEO, general producer (LLC "SPAS TV")
Helena Molchenko
Last position: Actress (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Moskovsky akademichesky theater named after Vl. Mayakovskogo")
Lobotsky Anatoly
Fatyushin Alexander
Vorobyev Igor