Eminent Petersburg sambo wrestlers did exercises for children in recreation camps

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In the first day of summer in Saint Petersburg nurseries city improving camp started working. The Honoured Master of Sports, the quadruple world champion in fighting sambo Anatoly Aleksandrovich Stishak did the first exercises for children in the improving and educational tourist center "Baltic Coast". Also "The world round us" took part in a sports holiday the double world champion Denise Aleksandrovich Goltsov. "The most main project and All-Russian federation of sambo, and in our region, – development the Sambo — in <5> School project which is priority for mass developments at teenage age. It is promoting...
Anatoly Aleksandrovich Stishak
Last position: The professional athlete on sambo
Денис Александрович Гольцов
Last position: The professional athlete on mixed martial arts (PFL)
All-Russian federation of sambo