The hockey player of year first in the history according to International federation of ice hockey] became know

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Moscow, 1 Jun - Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". The forward of the national team of United States of America Hillary Etvud Knight it is recognized as the best hockey player of year, it is reported on the official site of International federation of ice hockey). Representatives of mass media participated in vote. Hillary Etvud Knight received 40,9% of total number of voices. The second place was taken by her compatriot Caroline Harvey's defender (18,2%), the third - the representative Slovakia the forward Nela Lopushanova (13,6%). Also among nominees there were the Finnish defender Yenni Hiirikoski (11,3%), Sar Filye's Canadian forward (9,1%), the goalkeeper combined Sweden Sederberg Emma (4,5%) and the forward from...