The summer began with the next personnel shift in the city hall Lipetsk

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In the first day of summer in the city hall Lipetsk the next personnel shift. The new acting as the chairman City department cultures and tourism appointed a 36-letniya the photoartist Khozhainova Irina. It replaced on this post retired Yvan Aleksandrovich Khromykh, worked only nine months, without having got rid of a prefix of the deputy to the position. Now Yvan Aleksandrovich Khromykh headed the Central library system Lipetsk instead of retired Yakimovich Victoria who also directed earlier Department kultury and tourism, but without prefix and. about...
Yvan Aleksandrovich Khromykh
Last position: Acting as chairman of department of culture and tourism (Administration of Lipetsk)
Khozhainova Irina
Yakimovich Victoria
City department cultures
Government Agency
Department kultury
Government Agency