"Dreamed about such, as I": The resident of Nizhny Novgorod with children rushed on revenue to the gigolo who has enticed at it of 7 million rubles

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The gigolo going on tour over the country enticed the Inhabitant Nizhny Novgorod was bought from the resident of Nizhny Novgorod of 7 million rubles on beautiful words, threw the husband and gave to darling of 7 million rubles. And then learned that he had love affairs at the same time with five "beloved". Life of the 39-year-old inhabitant Nizhny Novgorod, we will name her Anna, went on the nakatanny. The business, connected with transportations. Small, but stable. The loving husband with whom lived many years and gave rise two children. The wheelchair invalid, but it had no value. The reliable man, the getter – business by and large it. And the main thing, loving...