Court involved Natalia Kasperskaya in case of bankruptcy "Neklis-bank"

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Soderzhaniyebiografiya 1986: Acquaintance to Eugenie Kaspersky 1997: Co-founder of JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "LABORATORY KASPERSKOGO" 1998: Divorce with Eugenie Kaspersky 2001: Marriage with Igor Ashmanov 2007: Owner and general director InfoWatch 2011: Sale parts of a share in JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "LABORATORY KASPERSKOGO" 2011: Kidnapping of the son Kaspersky Yvan 2012: Purchase 16% in the German anti-virus companies G Data 2015: Basis of a farm 2017: The head of Committee on information security 2018: Natalia Kasperskaya became the owner of the Neklis-bank 2020 Loss of Hundreds Millions Rubles because of revocation of license of banks Gosnagrada for development...
Natalia Kasperskaya
Last position: President (Group of companies InfoWatch)
Eugenie Kaspersky
Last position: CEO (JSC Kaspersky Lab)
Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
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Rachid Nurgaliev
Main activity:Official
Igor Ashmanov
Main activity:Businessman