Oleg Kononenko can first-ever spend in space more than 1000 days

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Moscow, on May 29, 2023, 17:46 — information agency "REGNUM". The Russian astronaut Oleg Kononenko can become the person first in the history who has stayed in an orbit more than 1000 days. About it on May 29 reported in the press service ROSKOSMOS STATE CORPORATION. Oleg Kononenko In state corporation specified that astronauts ROSKOSMOS STATE CORPORATION Oleg Kononenko, Chub Nicholas, and also the astronaut of National administration office on aeronautics and space research Loral O'Hara are included in the main crew of the 70th and 71st long expeditions. "They should go on ISS in September, 2023 by the ship "MS-24 Union", ― it is spoken in the state corporation message in Telegram Messenger (resurs narushaet zakon RF) - the channel. According to the approved plan, O'Hara will come back to Earth on...
Oleg Kononenko
Last position: Instructor-astronaut-tester (Federal state-financed institution "Institute for scientific research TSPK named after Yu. A. Gagarina")
Pavel Nikolaevich Vlasov
Main activity:Official
Gennady Ivanovich Padalka
Last position: Astronaut-tester (Federal state-financed institution "Institute for scientific research TSPK named after Yu. A. Gagarina")
Chub Nicholas
Mamontov Sergei