The earthquake measuring 4,4 occurred on Sakhalin Region

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Seismologists recorded an earthquake measuring 4,4 on Sakhalin Region. The chief of a seismic station told about it "Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk" Helena Semenov. In conversation from information agency "ITAR-TASS" on Monday, May 29, the expert specified that experts recorded an earthquake at 05:03 (22:03 Sundays Moscow time) in the north Sakhalin Region. Epicenter was in 23 km to the west of the Sabot village in Okha district. The center lay at a depth of 2 km, writes TV channel "RT"...
Helena Semyonova
Last position: Chief of the seismic station "Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk" (Federal state-financed institution "Sakhalinskoye UGMS")
Smityuk Youri