"Moscow-1" won team competitions of sablistka

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Following the results of team championship at women on the international tournament "Moscow Sabre" fencers rose by the top step of a podium from the first national team Moscow Bazhenova Anastasiya, Olga Nikitin, Podpaskova Eugenie and Svetlana Sheveleva. Quite could happen so that in the female team tournament "Moscow Sabre" would become absolutely "Moscow". In a semi-final of tournament there were three capital teams, and also combined TV channel "Rossiya", made of the best fencers of four various regions. In a semi-final of "Russian" with the minimum advantage Moscow – 45:44 beat the second national team and left...
Iana Yegoryan
Last position: The professional athlete on fencing
Bazhenova Anastasiya
Podpaskova Eugenie
Federatsiya fekhtovaniya