News: Known in Syzran the singer acted on air of the musical show "Hello, Andrey"

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On Saturday, May 20 on air of release of the Saturday musical show "Hello, Andrey" on Russia-1 TV channel guests of evening sang songs of the Belarusian composer Khank Edouard who celebrated recently the birthday. At a round table to Andrey Nikolaevich Malakhov this day went the birthday man Edouard Semenovich Khanok with the wife Evlaliya and guests of the program among whom there was a known singer Syzran Khasyanov Alexander. Our fellow countryman sang the song "You Are My Hope" from repertoire of VIA of "Pesnyara". It should be noted that the composer highly appreciated performance of the song by the singer from Syzran: On mine, it is better than "than Pesnyara...