Knights of cold war. New release of the International Review broadcast

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To Henry Alfred Kissindzher hundred years. As far as we will apply its approach – realpolitik – today? At Summit of "The big seven" in Hiroshima Moscow and Beijing designated as opponents. Whether understand in America, what the real cold war between China and United States of America becomes destructive for all? In Beijing the Russian-Chinese business forum took place. Whether it is possible to tell that the countries left on new...
Xi Jinping
Last position: Chairman of People's Republic of China (Chairman of the People's Republic of China)
Mikhail Mishustin
Last position: Chairman (Government of the Russian Federation)
Henry Alfred Kissindzher
Last position: Chairman of Kissinger Associates
Fedor Aleksandrovich Lukyanov
Last position: Chairman of presidium (Regional non-governmental organization "public "Sovet PO Vneshney I Oboronnoy Politike")