The Tambov orthodox gymnasium of a name of the prelate Pitirima gave the last call to the first in the regional center

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The call rings... Each academic year comes to the end with the last call is a firm tradition. Only this time in the Tambov orthodox gymnasium of a name of the prelate Pitirim he became special. On a ruler it was for the first time possible to see young people and girls with the blue tape "Graduate-2023" thrown through a shoulder. Twenty two grammar-school boys this year after examination tests will receive the certificate about the main general education. Children already look forward, therefore into the account of how to develop further, plans at them different. Tolstoshein Yegor, for example, will continue study in the 21st lyceum, because there...
Vera Latysheva
Last position: Actress (Saint Petersburg city theater "Workshop")
Tolstoshein Yegor
Semenova Maria
Lavrin Ioann
Ustyukhina Valeria