Deputies Legislative Assembly of the Vladimir region did not want to decide destiny of maternity hospital

@MK.RU Vladimir
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Scandal with regional maternity hospital grows. And it in spite of the fact that on a straight line the head of the region Avdeev Alexander called all this "hearings" on which to you it is not necessary and to make comments, after all, according to him, the regional maternity hospital waits not reduction of beds and, respectively, staff, and repair and, on the contrary, expansion. But those who in a subject, know that it not absolutely so, or even at all so. It turns out, what the governor says lies? Not indifferent inhabitants of area continue to distribute the petition, without trusting any "calming" words of the governor and formal replies Minzdrav. Only one deputy from Communist Party of the Russian Federation agreed to help...
Anton Sidorko
Last position: Vice-chairman (Legislative Assembly of the Vladimir region)
Avdeev Alexander
Osipov Artem
Meta (it is forbidden in RF)
Main activity:Communication and IT
Political ideology:Socialism of the 21st century, communism, Marxism-Leninism, anti-capitalism, anti-fascism, patriotism.
Government Agency